355 Lower Addiscombe Road, Croydon, CR0 6RG

Smile Makeover

As the name suggests a smile makeover is a new smile that has been designed to look better in many ways. It may align crowded teeth, close gaps, reduce protrusion, whiten, reduce a gummy smile, widen a narrow smile, change the length or shape of teeth, replace missing teeth or any combination of the above. A smile makeover usually involves at least the top eight or ten teeth and sometimes the lower eight or ten teeth too. The most frequent treatments used in a smile makeover are multiple porcelain veneers because they are the most conservative restoration and because they are strong and highly aesthetic.

However, porcelain crowns, bridges, orthodontics, implants and even implant-supported dentures can also be part of a smile makeover depending on the case. Smile makeovers can also involve rapid orthodontics using Inman aligners to either prealign teeth prior to multiple porcelain veneers or to align minor crowding of the lower teeth when only the upper teeth are to be veneered. If upper teeth only are being treated with veneers then lower teeth are usually at least whitened.

Call our friendly team 0208 654 5629 to discuss this further.

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